Monday, May 11, 2009

Rolls Royce 200EX

And while on the topic of cars, I then move on to the other end of the spectrum! I was invited by Rolls Royce to the preview of their newest model...the 200EX...and was it a special nite out on the town! It was one of the first events at the spanking new Capella hotel which is our of course I was more than keen to attend. Noel and myself were invited for the evening session...and of course I pulled up in my very un-glam taxi while Noel came in his Merc CLS AMG.....oh well.....he is OLDER! The ballroom was very unusually round...and was ushered in with much aplom to chill with various other VIP's. It was a very dignified and exquisite affair with just the right number of people to match the right number of service staff. Very personalized service....excellent nibbles....and loads of free flow of Perrier Jouet! My kind of party indeed! Of course met all the Rolls Royce VIP's like Tom Purves, their CEO as well as various other heavy hitting big wigs who were all very hospitable when I mentioned we were looking at purchasing 6 cars! One of them thought I was joking till he saw my business about foot in mouth! Much thanks to my local host Valerie who made sure I was well taken care of! Well.....its a little different from my humble Avante...but for more than a million bucks, I expect the damn thing to drive and park itself!!!

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