Sunday, January 27, 2008

Martell Rising Personalities Party

After just returning from LA, my whole body was really not its usual self. Night became day and day became night.....jet lag was really taking its toll on me and I as totally suffering. But, as you can imagine, the irrepressable me....I then decided the best way to reset my body clock was to head on out, try to have a big night out on the town and then crash. The first party to pop up on the radar was the Martell Rising Personalities Party held down on Robertson Walk. Of course with my great love for Martell, I had to make a appearance and as did everyone else in the party scene with free Martell being poured very liberally! Caught more than a few friends there such as Franck Lapeyre, Pernod Ricard's MD as well as Eng, Alexis, Gavin and the rest of the PR team, Indonesian friends Pak Michael and Pak Stanley......and a whole host of other bar and club owners and managers. However, by 10.30 pm....the wall hit me! I just had to go...could barely keep my eyes open any more!!! Well.....better to head on in and party another day I always say....

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