Forgot and entry for a very good cause.......One of my best friend's, Boon Ong, was finally turning the BIG FOUR OH and decided to throw a nice big birthday bash at is club, Thumper for a good cause. As we all know, Boon has always been big on giving back to charity and so when the call went out to his friends and business associates, we all answered in droves. Happily enjoying the night was our partner from Indonesia, Satia, our landlord from the Arts House, Colin Goh and members of his management committee, David Chin and socialite Yuki Lange, ex-T-Modesl booker Pamela, Jeff Goh, Daniel Ou, fellow shareholders Prakash, Thomas Fernandez and Karen Hoong, lawyer Patrick Ee, actress Jeszlene, old schoolmate Daniel Yu and even NYDC owner Sam Chia and even my good friend Kwek Kon Chun. Of course we had our mascot Bunny in attendance with Ashur....and as all of us who know and love Boon, he when invited to do a few tunes, he could not say No! But this time, he got his back up singers, Prakash, Daniel and David involved as well! Now that was funny though I am not sure if it helped in our efforts to raise money for charity. Indeed it turned out to be a great night out on the town with more that $50 000.00 raised for The Business Times Budding Artiste Fund and The Straits Times Pocket Money Fund charity. Thanks to all who supported this worthy cause! Now....the problem would be to think of something to top that next year? Maybe a now that we are forty and over the hill we need our own charity fund????