Wednesday, April 26, 2006

OF Triumph Lingerie Nites.... Farewell Parties and Cool Bikes!

Today was a real long day… has been interesting to say none the least…and of course…the nites out on the town was gonna get real interesting! It was the middle of the Singapore Fashion Week and with our association with Triumph….Edwin, myself and a couple of us were invited to the very exclusive black tie Lingerie Fashion Show that was the talk of the town down at the Tent @ Ngee Ann City…so off we went! Of course it gave me a good opportunity to get into my rarely used tux and there we were, with Patrick, Bryant, Prisca, Edwin, Mag, Janice and even Boon, David, Devesh……the list goes on! Julian and Sulian were in the house sipping champagne upstairs and one of the funniest moments was when the MC introduced the show and reminded everyone that there was not suppose to be any photography!!! Guess what dude…tell that to the 50 plus photographers that were crowded at the front of the stage and suddenly…the whole room erupted! Also….note to self….if you wanna give goodie bags….make sure it has something of worth in it instead of just a few vouchers…a few catalogues and a bottle of Diet Coke! Dinner was at a really cool Japanese restaurant in Cuppage Plaza…then off we went to Thumper to catch up with the rest of the Uber gang. It was Jessica’s last day with the company and of course it was a good excuse to throw a party! Also….there was a big Harley Party with the boys and their loud leather and chrome toys parked outside what has become my 3rd home….and all I can say was that we were BORN TO BE WILD!!! YAH!!!

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