Yes...thats right, my boys, the London Fog were invited to play during the F1 and our first gig was at the open stage at the Esplanade. Loading up from Hard Rock...we headed over to the gate near the Fullerton Hotel where our gear was buggied all the way to the Esplanade. Quite a job indeed! The boys performed quite well and drew quite a crowd though there were various technical glitches. Well....the night out on the town isn't quite over yet cause after the F1 practice and qualifying! Its going to be a huge crowd and we are all totally excited about it. Michael finally got well as Sylvia a little expected...I had to run off and work to take care of my Chairman and my CEO. Probablly one of the most scary and strange moments was walking into the Williams RBS Paddock...wearing my red Ferrari T-Shirt! A spot of red in a sea of blue! Well...happy to say that Massa took pole on this one....But the track looked outstanding in the floodlights...and we all left really excited with the prospect of a Ferrari win on Race Day! Oh! And if you think the race pictures look great....I do have to say that it sure wasn't me behind the camera....its all thanks to my super special camera woman...darling Sylvia!
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