Monday, April 28, 2008

Chivas @ The Cavanagh Bridge with Kyoto Massive Jazz

In the tradition of throwing parties in unusual places, Chivas secured the Cavanagh Bridge to throw their party with Kyoto Massive Jazz. A very cool event with fantastic music and great company. I had secured my usual invites...and so with a whole bunch of boys from the office like Richard Clements, Simon, Alan, Ganesan and James headed down. Swapped our wristbands to the VIP black ones...and off we went into the air con VIP area. My good friend Raymond who came up with the idea when he was still Marketing Director of Pernod Ricard was there, as was a whole bunch of other friends....Ross Knudson, Shah from B*One and of course we met Franck, the Pernod Ricard Managing Director. There was a whole bunch of celebs there to...Andrea Fonseka and Lance, Hamish Brown, Nat Wee and Mark Chan from HRC, Conrad Chua, Peter Prentice as well as Eng and Eddy from Pernod. OH yeah! We were happily going at the Chivas 18! Outstanding man!!! For some strange reason, dragged Simon over to Velvet and met Tricia, her mum and sister there so had more than a few with them before calling it a great end to a fantastic night out on the town. Thanks Chivas!!!

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