Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Finally...after weeks of work...I got some time to blog. Of course I got to update with this cool party that Amex threw. It was the re-launch party of their Platinum card at Sentosa. Quite a cool set up actually. It was down on the beach in Sentosa next to Cafe Del Mar. When I swung in, I was whisked off to the VIP section and drink in hand. Caught up with my old friend Glenn Ong and his lovely wife Jamie, reconnected with my old school mate Felix, Derek Tan who just picked up his new F430 Ferari which is totally happening.... Stephanie, Wong Li Lin (her husband Alan Wu was hosting)......and happily indulged in their signature drink, Pure Platinum. One thing that does stick in my head was the food. It was totally fantastic!!!! The highlight of the entertainment for me was the set with DJ Flame and Maniam. Way cooooool!!! They must have spent a bomb on catering which was well worth it! Kudos guys!! Actually, this new position for Amex is quite interesting, it gives you quite a few interesting and unusual perks like you own Q at clubs like MoS and one-4-one on house pour's all night! Cool!!! Anyway....gotta go get me one soon to keep financing my nites out on the town!!! Hahaha! Well...lucky I got a real full time job now then!

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