Monday, April 23, 2007

Formula 1 Malaysia / Ferrari Gathering @ The Mandarin Hotel

The season comes to Malaysia with the second race and of course the boys of the Ferrari Club decided to get together to watch it at the Mandarin Hotel. The boys all happily turned up on a rather rainy afternoon after a drive and filled up the driveway with Ferrari's and Maserati's. O f course all the boys turned up. Giorgio did a rare afternoon appearance, Royston, Jay, Rudy from Hong Seh with Shelia, Chris, Jaacky and his family, even Arthur Tay turned up for the second time before we all raced over to check out his One 15 Marina out on Sentosa. A really cool weekend but sadly a rather poor result with McLaren taking first and second place. DRAT! Well.....not really a nite out on the town but no less.....with fast cars and the great company.....we all had loads of fun!

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