Monday, December 18, 2006

A Christmas Treat at Bellini Room....SuLian and Dennis Foo Sings!

Thursday nite out on the town...and this time we headed to Bellini Room to catch SuLian on stage with the rumour that Dennis Foo was gonna do a few numbers as well. Well....Victor, Lincoln and myself had recieved the grand tour by Andrew that Wednesday so I knew that the Station Kitchen was open and ready for we went to check out the food! Was quite supprised to find it quite empty and just as we ordered...Caroline from Hong Seh and her girls dropped in after some event at Shanghai Tang so we invited them to join us. Needless to say that though the food was acceptable (some hand pulled noodles...cannot remember the name of the restaurant...) the service as quite in a jumble and we felt like the were serving Tim Sum to us..."Er...excuse me...did you order this???? did you order on the way"!!! Excuseable for first day hic-ups since all of us have been in the service industry before! All they need is some training and time. Anyway....we headed up to Bellini and walked into a wall of familiar faces! Dylan and Beverly were performing that night together with my old collegue and friend, Imelda Paulo. SuLian's parents who were there to lend support and they did a fantastic selection of our fav Christmas songs with Dennis Foo joining in for the last song! In attendance was everyone from Julian (of course) Gordon, Billy and Giorgio...May and Choi were there....Christopher Guy, Esther Soh (GM of Zouk), Rudy from Hong Seh...and even later in the evening, the team from Pernod Ricard turned up with Franck, Eng, Gavin, Wai Min...and next thing you see, its Danny, the marketing manager of RicheMonde! Talk about a summit meeting of the big 3 liquor boys in town! As usual Kelly was busy running around being host. Franck and Giorgio who were meeting for the first time got on pretty well as they swapped bottles of Mumms and Tattinger back and forth....very civilized , mature and professional....unlike some other Frenchman we all have come to know and lurve (hehehe!). Franck invited us to join him at Power House which was opening that night...and so off we went to take good care of another rather LARGE bottle of Cordon Bleu! By the time we had finished...we were suppose to head on off to Velvet to catch Victor but we were just a little too late I suppose and ended up catching Charles and Axel at Thumper instead only to watch a rather interesting fight! It a real wonder with these ang-mo's there....they get into a fight with some of the locals and as they stand there bleeding and accusing everyone from manager to bouncer to random person at the next table to potted plant and piller from assulting them and demanding justice, they still make sure they got the vodka/cranberry's that they bought earlier in hand to drink as they demand and wait for the cops!...Note to drunken angmo's....accusing drunk local boys of assulting you while you yourself are still drinking heavily (and bleeding) is not gonna give you much crediblity dude! DUH!

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