Monday, December 18, 2006

Velvet....then to DragonFly with VICTOR????

This turned out to be a strange night out on the town! After the Kandi Bar / Lush Party, off I went to catch Victor for our usual night out in Velvet. Grandma Don and Rodney was around and so was two of his other friends and crew from SQ, Elaine other girl who's name I forgot as usual. Alvin and his girlfriend was also around and so off we went on our ususal rounds of shots! I suppose we were all quite pissed by 3.00 am cause someone suggested we head to Dragonfly and Victor actually agreed!!! Unbelievable really!!!! So off we bundled into the car...and Benny had the shock of his life when we told him to go to St James! We rolled in there in good order and the managers there were very good and helpful to a bunch of stark raving drunkards.....managing to get us a table next to the the stage. Lo and behold.... we met more regulars from Velvet who's names obviously I forgot....and then started the Tattinger Rose! YUMMMMM!!! You cannot imagine how fast 6 bottles can less than 2 hours....and then the boys brought out the big gun....a huge bottle of Cordon which time we decided that discression was the better part of valour and the 3 of us headed for the hills! (Check out the pic of Vic and Rod at 5.30 am in the car!!!) And to think...ZoukOut is this weekend and we are already doing this?

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